kwn2.. me nak tanya...
penah x ada suara2 yg sound mama/mami/mommy/ibu/mak korang tentang air masak...
"awat x kasi air masak time nyusu tu?? kan elok minum air masak byk2, boleh cuci perut"
alhamdulillah mama me pesen lurus (he he..) so mama btegas jugak xnak kasi cecair lain selain shushu mama (yg best tu!!) kat me selama 6bln.. sbb mama dah tekad nak xclusive bf me selama 6bln... n mama bjaya jugak...
then, perihal air nie buat mama tfikir... tp nie pemahaman mama yg x sekolah tinggi la yek..
dulukan bf nie x menyeluruh mcm la nie... so kebykkan baby (tmasuk la mama & ayah) minum susu tepung... oleh krn susu tepung nie makanan yg dah dproses oleh mesin, tu sbb kena minum air masak, so senang la baby berak2...
tp kalau baby bf, apsal nak kasi jugak air masak ek?? dah terang2 susu badan yg tbaik.. dah dproses siap2 oleh badan mama/mami/mommy/ibu/mak kite...
sorry la.. mama me x sepandai mami hafiy yg cukup petah time bblog... tp ini la pemahaman mama tgk air masak time bf..
from nst tue 27 may 05
babies can get water intoxicated
(complied by kasmiah mustapha)
generally, babies younger than 6mths old should nvr b given water to drink. parents should also avoid using over-diluted formula, or paediatric drinks containing electrolytes.
consuming too much water can put babies at risk of a potential life-threatening condition known as water intoxication.
physicians at Johns Hopkins Children's Center in Baltimore, the US say babies' kidneys are yet to mature, giving them too much water causes their bodies to release sodium along with excess water.
losing sodium can effect brain activity, so early symptoms of water intoxication can include irritability, drowsiness & other mental changes. other symptoms include low body temperature (generally 97° or less) puffiness or swelling in the face, & seizures.
they say it may be appropriate in some cases to give older infants a small amount of water; for example to help with constipation or in very hot weather, but parents should always check with their paed b4 doing so, & should only give the baby an oz or two of water at a time.
(penat tau retype balik, tp nak gak share dgn kwn2...)
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