1. Link to the person that tagged you and posts the rules on your blog.
2. Share seven random and/or weird things about yourself.
3. Tag seven people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
here goes.......
me aka babyryan
1. mama ckp me dah mula develop 'senyum x ikhlas'.. ye ke??
adakah ini rope 'senyum x ikhlas'? u tell me...
2. suka bangat dgn colour merah. xpecially time bobo(mandi).. both gayung kat rumah me & nenda warna merah. mmg me suka sgt!! (ceh, xdak pulak pix..)
3. suka gigit selected brg je, mcm ...

mata ikan meinan nie sgt best. tp mama suka sgt nyorok sbb mama ckp mata ikan nie ada chemical..

remote astro.. n this is mine!!!
4. suka dgr azan.. amin...
5. dah kurang minum shushu mama... kalau siang x smp 6oz.. mlm pun kurang jugak... cuma kalau time tido tu, asal me gerak sikit, mama mmg akan suakan nenen jek...
6. suka dgr montaj astro ceria n af.. keadaannya <> sama time dgr azan td...
7. luv to do this...
hopefully mommy azarin satisfy.. pening jugak nak assigment kali nie... tu yg lambat sikit.. sorry yek...
alamak... nak tag sapo pulak ek??? sapo2 je lah!!!!
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